Morgantown Codes:
Town of Morgantown Ordinances and Code
Morgantown Ordinances:
2017-1 Regulation of operation of Golf Carts and Recreational Off Road Vehicles on Streets.
2017-2 Policy and Procedure for Utility Billing and Collection.
2018-3 Schedule of Rates & Charges for Sewage Works
2018-4 Town Properties Public Parks
2018-11 Amendment to Ordinance 2015-6: Enforcement of Speed Limits
2018-13 Weather Exception Parking Ordinance
2019-3 Regulating & Prohibiting Parking on Designated Streets/ Sections of Streets.
2019-5 Policy and procedure for Utility Billing Adjustments.
2019-8 Sewer Use Ordinance.
2019-9 Amendment of the Schedule of Rates and Charges of Morgantown Sewage Works.
2020-1 Amendment of New Connection Charge of the Town of Morgantown Water Utility and New Service Deposit for Water Utility & Sewage Works
2021-07 An Ordinance creating an Ordinance Violations Bureau.
Ordinance 2021-08 An Ordinance Repealing and Replacing Ordinance 2015-04, The Morgantown Nuisance Ordinance
Amended Ordinance No. 2021-08 An Ordinance adding weeds and rank vegetation to the Morgantown Nuisance Ordinance.
Morgantown Resolutions:
Resolution 2023 – 1 Resolution authorizing and approving the town’s participation in INDOT 2023-1 Community Crossings Matching Grant Program and authorizing the council president to sign all related documents.
Resolution 2023-2 A Resolution expressing interest in purchasing land and structures and appointing appraisers.
Resolution 2023-3 Restatement of ADA and Title VI Compliance and Assurances Policy and Appointment of Coordinator.