What is the Clerk Treasurer?
The Clerk Treasurer is an elected official who serves as the chief fiscal officer of the town. She is also the clerk of the Town Council. It is the duty of the clerk of the council to keep the files and papers of the council; to make and keep accurate minutes and a journal of the proceedings; to enter the ayes and nays on the passage of every ordinance and resolution; and, on all other votes, whenever requested by two members; and to perform all other duties by such office. (IC 36-4-6-9).
The Clerk Treasurer of Morgantown is the clerk of the Town Council and is required to attend all meetings of the Town Council and record the proceedings. In case of a tie vote, the Clerk Treasurer becomes an ex-officio member of the council for the purpose of casting the deciding vote (IC 36-5-2-8).
The salary of the Clerk Treasurer, who serves for a four year term, is determined by the town council. The Clerk Treasurer must reside in the town. If the Clerk Treasurer does not reside in the town, he or she forfeits the office (IC 36-5-6-3)
Responsibilities of Clerk-Treasurer:
IC 36-5-6-6
- Receive and care for all town money and pay the money out only on order of the Town Council
- Keep accounts showing when and from what sources the clerk- treasurer has received town money and when and to whom the clerk treasurer has paid out town money.
- Prescribe payroll and account forms for all town offices
- Prescribe the manner in which creditors, officers, and employees shall be paid
- Manage the finances and accounts of the town and make investments of town money
- Prepare for the Town Council the budget estimates of miscellaneous revenue, financial statements
- Maintain custody of the Town seal and records of the legislative body
- Serve as clerk of the Town council by attending its meetings and recording its proceedings
- Administer oaths
IC 33-35-3-1
Perform all other duties prescribed by statue

Clerk Treasurer:
Sharon McIntosh
E-Mail: smcintosh@morgantown.in.gov
Phone number: 812-597-4626
120 W Washington Street
PO Box 416
Morgantown, IN 46160