The Council serves as the executive and legislative body of the town. All members are at-large and voted on by town citizens living in the town limits. Council members must reside in the town and forfeit their office if town residency is not maintained. The Town Council is responsible for passing ordinances, resolutions, establishing salaries for town employees, passing an annual budget and setting utility rates. All town departments report to the Town Council. The salaries of council members are set by ordinance, as are all salaries and wages of town officials and employees (IC 36-5-3-2).
A Town Council President is selected each year at the first council meeting by the council from among its members. This person is responsible for conducting council meetings and is designated as the town executive (IC 36-5-2-7). This person has the power to sign contracts, ordinances and other items approved by the council. The President also represents Morgantown at government and community functions.
If the Morgantown Town Council finds it necessary to hold an Executive Session to address matters allowed under Indiana Code 5-14-1.6-6.1(b). Notice of the Executive Session of the Morgantown Town Council will be posted in compliance with Indiana law.
Meeting Times: The Morgantown Town Council is an elected, five member council of town residents. The regular monthly meetings for the Morgantown Town Council are the second Monday of each month at 6pm at the Morgantown Fire Department. Occasionally the meeting may be rescheduled due to a Holiday. If you would like to attend a Town Council meeting, you are very welcome; all regular meetings are open to the public. At the end of each meeting, there is a time scheduled for “Public Comments” and any citizen can speak.
Town Council
Members: 5
Terms: 4 years, staggered
Regular Meetings: 2nd Monday of the month: 6 pm