The responsibilities of the Public Works Department include maintenance and repair of the Town infrastructure, property and equipment. This includes water distribution, wastewater collection, wastewater treatment, street maintenance, landscaping, and vehicle maintenance.
Street Maintenance – The Department coordinates or conducts a wide variety of street maintenance activities, including crack filling, seal coating, patching, signage, street lights, snow and ice control, and sidewalk repair or replacement.
Storm water and Sewer Management – The Department maintains the sewer and storm sewer system and detention and retention lagoons and maintains the lift stations. The DPW also ensures that it complies with the increasingly stringent water quality standards of the EPA, IDEM, the DNR, and Morgan County Health Department.
Water & Sanitary Utility – The department is responsible for municipal wells, sanitary lift stations, and a water towers. Work activities include but are not limited to: daily, weekly, monthly and yearly routine preventative, and corrective maintenance activities for both water main valves and fire hydrants; flushing of fire hydrants; and general maintenance to sanitary lift stations. They also perform all the required daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly testing of the drinking water system to ensure we comply with both state and federal guidelines of the EPA, Idem, the DNR and the Morgan County Health Department.

DPW Manager:
Kyle Rooks
Telephone number:
120 W Washington Street
PO Box 416
Morgantown, IN 46160